Smolthemes provides free high quality themes for the popular microblogging site Tumblr. These themes offer many customization options, are responsive as well as accessible. They have been featured on the internet and have thousands of active users.
Goal and History of Smolthemes
I began tinkering around with coding in 2013. It mostly consisted of modifying existing code as I didn't know CSS and HTML. Eventually I took the leap of learning to create themes by following tutorials from Build Themes.
While I didn't take the traditional route of learning web design, I wouldn't call myself self taught. I learned a lot from people who created the Tumblr documentaion, Jennifer Neaderst Robbins (who wrote this amazing book ), Monique Tendencia and so many other amazing tutorial creators.
Currently I use Tumblr as a way to test new concepts and tools I've learned such as flexbox, grid, css animations and design systems. You can install all workable themes on Tumblr. A repository of most of the codes dating back from way back when can be found on Github. I will warn you that the themes are not maintained and most themes might not be usable as Tumblr made a huge update two years ago.